Burley St Matthias C of E Primary School is a learning, living, loving community, founded on Christian principles, to welcome and serve children and families of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds:
Learning: We are all committed to developing whole-life-learners who are eager to rise to all challenges and brave enough to take risks – overcoming obstacles through effort, encouragement and friendship, pursuing excellence in all things and thoroughly enjoying the journey.
Living: We will provide an environment and experiences which inspire our children to embrace life, to connect and contribute to the awesome world in which we live, to care for one another and to have fun being children.
Loving: Our school family believes in nurturing all our children in atmosphere of love, respect and trust. All are well known and valued in their uniqueness and supported to grow in confidence and self esteem, secure in the knowledge that...
Everyone is Special
Religious Education is a core subject at our school and is taught weekly in every class.
Burley's commitment to its vision guides decisions on Religious Education provision, as it is integral to foster dignity and respect. As a Church of England school, Christianity forms a main theme in Religious Education lessons, however we ensure that we foster an understanding of different worldviews. Celebrating religious diversity fosters respect for others, aligning with RE entitlement statements. Our RE curriculum is enhanced by experiential learning, including visits and visitors. Our children learn to appreciate different worldviews and develop a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and practices. Our RE lessons follow a curriculum that equips learners to live tolerant, respectful and balanced lives. We follow the Agreed Syllabus, Believing and Belonging. The title, Believing and Belonging, reflects the twin aims that RE must stimulate interest and nurture understanding of religion/worldviews, while also contributing to pupils’ awareness of and sensitivity to diversity in our communities and world.
At Burley St Matthias, Collective Worship is integral, fostering community and Christian fellowship through active pupil involvement in leading and participating in worship. Music, central to worship, engages children with songs and choir performances, while partnerships with clergy and organisations enhance provision.
Structured worship sessions include prayer, reflection, and traditional elements, fostering respect and reverence among children. Special events like our Remembrance service offer calmness and space for personal reflection. Worship promotes faith in action through reflections connecting themes to daily life and inclusive dialogue about spirituality, respecting diversity. Our Collective Worship draws on Christian teachings and beliefs whilst being mindful of children’s wider beliefs and non-beliefs. Worship is inclusive and invitational - it is delivered in a way that enables all members of the school community to feel able to be part of the experience.
Worship Crew
We have an active Worship Crew comprising children from our Y6 class. Supported by staff, they plan, evaluate, assist in and deliver collecive worship.
We have changing displays around the school, showcasing different elements of the curriculum and demonstrating the importance of Christianity.
Both our school halls have an altar table, on which candles and a cross are placed. A worship table and display are found within each classroom, containing items for class based worship, the current theme, responses and prayers. Collective worship responses are in a class floorbook which is displayed.
Our church has a lovely peaceful prayer garden with prayer stations throughout, which we can use for quiet reflection or prayer.
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live in unity!
Psalm 133
What is courageous advocacy?
Courageous advocacy is defined by the Church of England as “the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice is not heard.” At Burley St Matthias we encourage and support our children to become courageous advocates who believe that they can become ‘agents of change’ to strive towards a fairer and more joyous world. This means that they champion causes that are special and meaningful to them; connected to matters and concerns personal and close to home for them or linked to wider global issues.
Courageous Advocacy at Burley St Matthias
Burley St Matthias C of E Primary School is a learning, living, loving community, founded on Christian principles, to welcome and serve children and families of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds:
We actively promote the value of serving God and by doing that, serving others in the school, local and global communities.
“Serve one another in love.” (Galatians 5:13)
In collective worship, RE lessons and other times of reflection and prayer, biblical references are explored to deepen children’s understanding and enable them to live out our Christian vision and values to serve others and enable themselves and others to flourish. Children learn how Jesus demonstrated values of courage, hope, service and love, and are inspired to follow His example. Children and adults learn about the life of Jesus and God’s vision for the world and reflect on the message of the Bible in the context of their own character and actions.
Jesus spoke up for people who were disadvantaged, disempowered and ignored by their communities. Children are encouraged to reflect on Jesus’ actions and teachings to inform their own values, judgements and courageous choices. Other learning experiences, including, PSHE lessons, character education and learning about British values, enables children to grow in character and independence, develop their sense of respect and justice, and grow in courage “to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8).
The Church of England also promotes the Christian values of wisdom, community and dignity as key values associated with courageous advocacy. For more insight into the theology behind courageous advocacy, refer to section 1 in the Church of England document, ‘Courageous Advocacy’.
At Burley St Matthias, aspirational teaching encourages and challenges children to be their best selves, to take pride in their work, and to be positive members of the school and wider communities. Lessons and experiences across the curriculum, open the children’s eyes to an understanding of the world, their place in it and how they can act to make positive changes for their local and global communities. Children learn about their own and other communities and world events and issues. They learn about people in history and present day who have shown courage and compassion whilst acting courageously to make the world a better place. This offers children hope and the tenacity to succeed in their endeavours.
‘Carry One another’s burdens. And in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.’ (Galatians 6:2)
“If the purpose of education is the promotion of life in all its fullness and human flourishing, then this must, by necessity, involve developing young people who can learn to flourish in every aspect of their lives – young people who can work for the flourishing of others and for the planet we share.” (Church of England ‘Courageous Advocacy’)
School Community Courageous Advocacy Close to Home
A charity that is very close to our hearts at Burley St Matthias is the local Trussell Trust food bank, located at our St Matts Church centre. At Harvest, Christmas and other times, the school community contributes essential food and toiletry items to the food bank. These are then shared with families in need within the local area. Representatives from the food bank speak to the children to explain the distribution process. This really helps the children to feel involved in making a difference within our local community.
Awareness Days and Fundraising
Each academic year, children and adults at Burley enthusiastically participate with, and contribute towards, a wide range of charities and awareness days. These include:
- Comic Relief – Red Nose Day
- Children in Need
- Sport Relief
- Mission Christmas – Christmas Jumper Day
- The Royal British Legion