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The School Development Plan (SDP) is a plan for improvement. It sets out our priorities for the year and describes how we are going to achieve them. Here are our priorities for 2024-2025. You can request a full copy of the SDP from the office. 

SDP priorities 2024 2025


Parents are a school's greatest asset.  You can make a huge difference to our success!  Here are a few easy things you can do to support us:

1.  Continue to get involved with the school in any way you can.  Mrs Hopkinson sends our a newsletter each half term to let you know about what is going on in the school and how well things are going.  This gives you a valuable insight into what we are doing. 

2.  Come to as many Parent Drop-In Sessions, Stay and Plays, Book and a Biscuit, Coffee Mornings and Parent Workshops as you can.  These are great ways of working with school.

3.  Support your child at home with their learning. Please encourage them to do their homework and to read their reading book.

4.  Sign up to our School Gateway app and social media accounts.  Look out for newsletters in book bags and for information posters around the school. Keeping in touch is vital!

5.  Ensure that your child comes to school each day and on time.

6.  Come and speak to your child's class teacher about anything that concerns you.  Always remember that WE ARE A TEAM.

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