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Parent/carer coffee mornings

These are held in school every half term and give parents/ cares the chance to:

-meet and chat to other parents

-meet with the SENCo/ Pastoral Support and ask questions/ seek advice

-receive training from the SENCo or Pastoral staff

-receive training or seek advice from outside agencies. We recently had Jo Brett in from the Leeds ADHD team, which was a real success!

Look our for dates and times on our school newsletter. Everyone is welcome. 

Parent coffee morning
Christmas present morning

Neurodiversity information hub

DID YOU KNOW? The ND hub is being updated all the time - this is for families with children and young people who don’t have a diagnosis (as well as those who do). 
There is extensive new content on the range of characteristics that ND individuals may experience differences, strengths and challenges in. They have also updated and added to the content on autism
 Want to have your say and help shape the hub? MindMate want to hear from you whether you’re a parent, young person or professional in Leeds.
 Please contact liz.neill@commonroom.uk.com to find out how or you can send a message on Whatsapp to Liz on 07496 494679

Disability Sport

Leeds Let’s Get Active supports people to become active through the provision of leisure centre and community sports and activities within a supportive and welcoming environment.

Active Leeds run a disability and inclusive sports programme across Leeds City Council Leisure Centres.

This includes children, young people and adults with any disability, and all ability levels. 

Click here for more information about the Disability Sports programme.

Leeds Parent Carer Forum

The Leeds Parent Carer Forum and Health colleagues meet on a monthly basis to feedback parental voice and views. As part of these sessions we have themed updates where services from across Health are highlighted and discussed. More recently we have had updates regarding the following services:

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Leeds local offer live

On Wednesday 26 March 2025, Leeds City Council will be hosting Leeds Local Offer Live 10am till 3pm at Pudsey Civic Hall.
The event will be a marketplace style event for families with a child with special educational needs and/or disabilities to come and find out about SEND services and support available to them within the city. Information about previous Leeds Local Offer Live events can be found here.
 They also have the space for 55 service stalls on the day, this includes a table and two chairs. If you would like to request a stall at the event, please complete a short booking form here
 They will confirm service stalls w/c 18th November 2024.   
 For further information email LLO@leeds.gov.uk

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