Click here to see our computing long-term plan.
Click here to find out more about our approach to teaching and assessing Computing at BSM.
Computing is taught in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and follows the Twinkl Scheme of Work.
The Curriculum uses a wide range of hardware and software to ensure that children experience a broad exposure to high quality and up-to-date technology and programming. Pupils in the Early Years are exposed to a range of computing stimuli and technological devices as a part of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Expressive Arts and Designs strands.
At Burley St Matthias CE Primary School we recognise the importance of computing in today’s world and the influence it will have on our pupils in the future. We believe that computers will certainly play an enormous part in the lives and careers of the children we teach. We aim to create digitally literate pupils who are confident and safe to use technology as part of everyday life and who are well-prepared to explore the new developments they will come across throughout their lifetime.
We recognise the fast pace at which technology is developing and as such we see our computing curriculum very much as a working document. It will be reviewed every two years and updated as necessary to keep up with the increasingly skilled ‘digital natives’ we will be teaching.