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Click here to see our long term plans for RE


We learn about celebrating and mark festivals that are relevant to our community and our curriculum. We hold key stage assemblies to share this with each other and our families. These include, but are not limited to: Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha; Divali or Holi; Chinese New Year; Birthday of Guru Nanak; Vesak; Advent/Christmas and Easter.   Throughout the year, children make visits to local places of worship and meet a variety of religious leaders in lessons and whole school assemblies, etc.


At Burley St Matthias we follow the statutory RE curriculum for maintained schools in Leeds, Bradford, Kirklees and Calderdale. The local Agreed Syllabus is called 'Believing and Belonging.' Religious Education gives a broad understanding of Christianity, world faiths and non-religious beliefs. It is an academic subject, supporting problem solving and critical thinking skills and allowing young people to explore their own responses to life's challenges. RE develops understanding of diversity, empathy and community cohesion, enabling children to flourish as members of a diverse and global society. 

R.E is important because it helps pupils to think about beliefs and values, it aims to develop pupils’ understanding and growing ideas, including those of world faiths and other beliefs, exploring their commonality and diversity. It helps pupils to work out how to live a good life. It promotes spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. One of the key roles of RE in schools is to support community cohesion and the development of SMSC (Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural) and Fundamental British Values. 

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