Welcome to Superhero School!
Tuesday 12th May
Today we created our own obstacle course. We had so much fun.
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Monday 11th May

We will show you the answer next week!
Can you solve the puzzle?
Today we had a go at creating a balancing puzzle.
We used hammers, drills, nails and screws to create our puzzle.
The challenge is to balance all 6 screws on the top of the nail without any touching the ground. Can you figure it out?

Monday 4th May
We had a go at buiding our own kites today. We used bamboo stakes for the struts and crosspieces and black bin bags for the sails. We used string to tie all the parts together and we each chose a different coloured ribbon so we knew whose was which. We were hoping to get them flying this afternoon but the weather wasn't good enough...boo!!
Fingers crossed that the weather will clear up soon...
Let's go fly a kite...

Monday 27th April
After many weeks of patient crafting, plant gathering, leaf pressing and layers and layers of papier-mâché we have finally finished our paper lanterns. We've even managed to install some lights inside them to make them glow!
Thursday 23rd April
In superhero school today we have been making salt dough for our handprints. We are going to use theses for our Superhero School display.
We have also been using the 3D printer to make masks straps we hope to donate to the NHS!
Thursday 16th April Movie Music Making
On Thursday at Super Hero School, we have been recreating music from well known scenes in Wallace & Gromit. In this video we have used different instruments and worked together as the evil penguin tries to escape...
Tuesday 14th April
Hello from Superhero School! Did everyone have a nice Easter? Today we have been enjoying the sunshine in our school playground. We have designed and made our own paper spinners. What have you all been up to?
Tuesday 7th April
Hello from Superhero school. We have been doing lots of PE activities today and enjoying the nice weather. Mrs Hudson has also helped us make a teepee. What do you think? Can you make your own at home?
Tuesday 31st March
Hello from Superhero school. Today we have been using lego and junk modelling to make our own ramps. What have you been up to today?
Friday 27th March
Hello from Superhero school! Today we have been planting tomatoes in our sunny classroom. We have also been making loom band bracelets with Miss Bunnings. What is everyone else up to?
Email superheroes@burleystmatthias.co.uk to let us know.
Wednesday 25th March
To keep ourselves active, we have been tuning in to Joe Wicks at 9am every morning for our virtual PE session. Have you been joining in at home? Share your own videos with us by sending them to superheroes@burleystmatthias.co.uk
The link for joining in at home are available on your school pages.
Tuesday 24th March
We spent some time this morning reimagining the school prayer to fit our current situation. Here is what we came up with...
This is our Superhero School
Let powerful fun live here
Help us to:
Wash our hands properly and not get sick;
Be kind and look after one another;
Enjoy ourselves and have fun;
Help one another;
Because you made us one big family, even when we're isolated,
Where everyone is SUPER
Monday 23rd March
Hello from Superhero school! Here we are doing some art work. What did you get up to today? Email superheroes@burleystmatthias.co.uk to let us know