School Performance
Burley St Matthias | 55% |
National Average | TBC |
Burley St Matthias | 71% |
National Average | 78.9% |
% of Burley St Matthias pupils scoring full marks (25/25) |
45% | |||
National Average | TBC | |||
22 | |||
National Average | 78.9% |
Key Stage 2
Inspection Reports
Our most recent OFSTED Inspection was in February 2020 where we were judged to be a GOOD SCHOOL.
"Christian values are at the heart of all the school does. The school's motto is Everyone is special. The co-headteachers have created a school community with a real family feel. Staff regularly go the extra mile to keep the pupils safe and happy. They also provide fantastic support for pupils families. Pupils enjoy their lessons. They work hard and want to do well."
"Staff have high expectations for every pupil . No one is ever written off ’’. They want each pupil to be their best in everything... Teachers are working hard to make every subject even better. Relationships across the school are warm and nurturing."
Link to our full Ofsted Report on the Ofsted Website
We were also inspected by the diocese under the Statuory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools in February 2023, otherwise known as SIAMS.
The school was judged to be a GOOD church school. Our report is below.