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Welcome to the Spring Term!

As the weather warms and Spring approaches, I hope everyone continues to be safe, healthy, and happy. We have some new areas of study this term, so check out the information below for any relevant updates, as well as updated information for what to do if there arises a need to self-isolate.

As always, if you need any help, support, or clarification, I am available after school. Alternatively, you can make an appointment in the school office.

Miss Grabowski

Remote Learning and Self-Isolation from Spring 2022

As children no longer have to self isolate if they are close contacts of someone with Coronavirus, they should only normally need to be off school if they, themselves test positive.  In this situation they may well be feeling unwell and so there is no expectation that they complete work while they are at home.  However, some children have no symptoms, despite testing positive and in this case it is expected that they continue to do learning at home as much as they are able.  The school will provide the following: 

  • A ‘Get Going’ sheet with lots of ideas of things that children can usefully practice 
  • An outline of the current topics of learning so that children can research or find resources from other sources such as the BBC website or Oak Academy 
  • Lesson by lesson work can be requested from school if you feel your child is able to complete such work but will not be posted automatically as this is time consuming for teachers.  This work will be on Google Classroom/Tapestry 
  • Even if requested, depending on the current capacity in school, it may not be possible for the full curriculum to be provided (for instance if the class teacher is not available for work).

If the whole class has to close for any reason, a full remote offer will be provided if at all possible (again depending to some extent on staffing capacity).  This will normally involve: 

  • A daily Google Meet at 9:30am 
  • Daily lessons and activities in Maths, English and one or two other subjects posted on Google Classroom


Miss Grabowski

Get Going in Year 6

If you are at home self isolating and you are well enough to do some learning we would like you to go onto Google Classroom to see what work your teacher has set for you.  If you can't, or it doesn't work for you, below this section is what your class are learning this week so see if you can match what you are doing to on here.  if you are REALLY stuck and your can't do either of those things, here is your 'Get Going' sheet with ideas of things that are always good to work on.

What are we learning in Year 6 this half term?

In Week Three (beginning 17th January), Year 6 will be doing their Mock SATs, spread out over the course of the week. Students will the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the SATs question format and test conditions we will be administering in May, when we do our real SATs exams. 

Since we are all at home during this time, we will ensure that students have access to teacher feedback, regular core work, and the opportunity for help with work.

Maths-We will be going forward with our curriculum using online White Rose resources as well as in-class Power Maths. We are currently in the middle of Fractions: Part Two, in which we will deepen our understanding and begin multiplying fractions.

English-We will be continuing our ongoing lessons in SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), and focusing on Instructional (non-fiction) writing.

Afternoon Work-Each day, there will be a different assignment for work at home. It will be more practical than core subjects, and will lend itself to Foundation subjects that would be otherwise taught in school.

Science-We will be finishing our 'Electricity' unit.

Topic-We will be focusing on our 'Medicine Through Time' topic, researching a variety of practices, medical advancements, and changing attitudes about sickness, disease, medicine and health-centered technology. 

Every school day, the class will meet online with Google Meet at 9:30 AM. We will discuss the work of the day and troubleshoot any issues students may be having

New work in the Google Classrooms will be posted daily.

Information for parents and carers

Online Safety

Leeds Prevent: Online Safety Information for Parents

'With many of our children currently off school and staying home due to COVID 19 the potential for online exploitation will be at its highest.
Although rare, there is a risk that with increased online activity, feelings of stress and isolation may be exploited. An understanding of digital safety will help parents and carers safeguard loved ones from a range of harms, whether that’s child sexual exploitation, fraud, or extremist influences seeking to radicalise vulnerable people.' 
Click on the Leeds Prevent link above for more essential information.

Online communication and safety 'Being able to send messages and talk to other people is an important part of modern life.  The internet has opened up lots of new ways for us to communicate.'  Use the link below for useful information and games for your children to be reminded about being safe online.  ​KS2 internet safety.

Also, for those that have it, the safer schools app has plenty of information and advice for parents.

Online communication and safety

'Being able to send messages and talk to other people is an important part of modern life.  The internet has opened up lots of new ways for us to communicate.'

Use the link below for useful information and games for your children to be reminded about being safe online. KS2 internet safety.                                 


Image result for tiktok logoAs we break up for the summer, it's crucial that we consider our online presence. During the lockdown, we have been fortunate to have an online community to stay connected with friends and family. It's easy to forget that we must consider our safety online in all areas. Please take a look at this article regarding the TikTok App, and stay safe!

Image result for safer schools app logo

Here is another fantastic link to the 'Safer Schools' app.

Information for parents and carers

Online Safety

Leeds Prevent: Online Safety Information for Parents

'With many of our children currently off school and staying home due to COVID 19 the potential for online exploitation will be at its highest.
Although rare, there is a risk that with increased online activity, feelings of stress and isolation may be exploited. An understanding of digital safety will help parents and carers safeguard loved ones from a range of harms, whether that’s child sexual exploitation, fraud, or extremist influences seeking to radicalise vulnerable people.' 
Click on the Leeds Prevent link above for more essential information.

Online communication and safety 'Being able to send messages and talk to other people is an important part of modern life.  The internet has opened up lots of new ways for us to communicate.'  Use the link below for useful information and games for your children to be reminded about being safe online.  ​KS2 internet safety.

Also, for those that have it, the safer schools app has plenty of information and advice for parents.

Online communication and safety

'Being able to send messages and talk to other people is an important part of modern life.  The internet has opened up lots of new ways for us to communicate.'

Use the link below for useful information and games for your children to be reminded about being safe online. KS2 internet safety.                                 

Online links

Here are some great links and websites to help you:

Purple Mash is a fab resource that we use as a school, so I will be setting weekly tasks on here https://www.purplemash.com/sch/burley-ls4

Class Dojo is a great platform for staying in touch: https://www.classdojo.com/en-gb/?redirect=true

Timestable Rockstars a good tool for learning those all important timestables, whilst having fun: https://ttrockstars.com/

Here's the entire list of education companies that are offering free subscriptions due to schools closing. 

Mental Health

Looking after your mental health is really important. In year 6, we have recently been trying lots of ways to rest and relax. Here are a few ideas for doing this at home:

-meditate using videos in youtube such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBnPlqQFPKs

-try some mindfulness colouring (some examples are included in your exercise books)

-use your exercise book to start a journal. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can really help you to feel more positive

-do a wordsearch or crossword to help distract yourself

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