Year 4
Remote Learning and Self Isolation from Spring 2022
As children no longer have to self isolate if they are close contacts of someone with Coronavirus, they should only normally need to be off school if they, themselves test positive. In this situation they may well be feeling unwell and so there is no expectation that they complete work while they are at home. However, some children have no symptoms, despite testing positive and in this case it is expected that they continue to do learning at home as much as they are able. The school will provide the following:
- A ‘Get Going’ sheet with lots of ideas of things that children can usefully practice
- An outline of the current topics of learning so that children can research or find resources from other sources such as the BBC website or Oak Academy
- Lesson by lesson work can be requested from school if you feel your child is able to complete such work but will not be posted automatically as this is time consuming for teachers. This work will be on Google Classroom.
- Even if requested, depending on the current capacity in school, it may not be possible for the full curriculum to be provided (for instance if the class teacher is not available for work)
If the whole class has to close for any reason, a full remote offer will be provided if at all possible (again depending to some extent on staffing capacity). This will normally involve:
- A daily Google Meet at 9:30am
- Daily lessons and activities in Maths, English and one or two other subjects posted on Google Classroom
Get Going in Year 4
If you are at home self isolating and you are well enough to do some learning you can either look at this get going sheet or find some activities related to our topics below, on 'Oak Academy' the BBC Bitesize website or any other resource you fancy!
This half term topics are:
In maths, we are focusiing on multiplication and division. We are securing our multiplication and division facts and using these to solve problems.
In English, we are focussing on non-fiction texts. We are writing information leaflets on electricity - if your child has already completed this, can they write a leaflet on another topic they are interested in?
In science, we will be looking at electrical circuits. We will be learning the rules for building them.
This term we are looking at online safety. We will be sorting statements into safe and unsafe things to do online.
In PE we will dancing! Can you create a dance involving different moves?
We are designing and building our own lamp. Can they design on at home for different perposes?
Look at the year 3 and 4 common exception words. Pick 3 a day to practice. Can you write them in a sentence? Can you use them today when talking to an adult? Can you write the word when someone says it to you?
Whilst you are at home there are lots of things you can do to keep up with your learning and to keep practicing your skills. Try to do at least one thing from each area during the time you are away.
- Set yourself a timer and write out 2 sets of your times tables. By the end of year 4 you need to know your times tables all the way up to the 12 times tables. You could also practice your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars.
- Find items around your house to measure. Can you order them from smallest to largest? What is the difference between the largest item and the smallest item? Can you convert them from cm to mm? Can you convert them from ml to l?
- Use dice to make up random numbers. Can add or subtract 3-digit numbers? Try using column addition and subtraction. Remember to check if you need to exchange or borrow! Can you challenge yourself to do a 4-digit number?
- Practice your spellings. Can you write them in full sentences? Use a dictionary to find out the definition of the words. Focus on one of two each day to make sure that you can use them in full sentences.
- Keep a diary entry for each day you are away from school. Make sure you use full stops and capital letters. Can you add adjectives, noun phrases and adverbs to make your diary entry more exciting to read?
- Pick an activity or job you do within the day. Can you write a list of instructions for someone else to complete the job? Remember to use bossy verbs such as ‘put’, ‘walk’ and ‘read’.
- Try to read every day! Remember to record what you are reading in your reading record.
- The Squish and Relax activity – whilst you are lying down with your eyes closed, squish and squeeze every muscle in your bodies as tight as you can. Start with your toes and feet, squish the muscles in your legs, squeeze your stomachs, then your hands into fists and raise your shoulders up to their heads. Hold themselves squished up for a few seconds and then fully release and relax. Repeat as many times until you feel calm and relaxed.
- Find some purses, belts and bags around your house (remember to ask before you take them) and sketch them. Can you label the different features?
- Find a recipe that you can cook with your family. It can be an old favourite of yours or something you have never tried before! Take a picture of your finished meal, or draw a picture, and write a review of what the meal was like.
- Find things around your house that are solids, liquids and gases. What do you notice about them? What are the differences?
- Can you try and measure solids, liquids and gases? Predict what will happen? Was your prediction correct?
Don’t forget there will be regular updates on Google Classroom for you to access new learning in maths, English and other subjects. Remember to ‘turn in’ any work you complete in the Google Classroom so that your teacher can review it and give you feedback.
E Safety
As we are all online more and more, it's crucial that we consider our online presence. During the lockdown, we have been fortunate to have an online community to stay connected with friends and family. It's easy to forget that we must consider our safety online in all areas. Please take a look at this article regarding the TikTok App, and stay safe!
Here is another fantastic link to the 'Safer Schools' app.
Information for parents/carers
Online Safety
Leeds Prevent: Online Safety Information for Parents
'With many of our children currently off school and staying home due to COVID 19 the potential for online exploitation will be at its highest.
Although rare, there is a risk that with increased online activity, feelings of stress and isolation may be exploited. An understanding of digital safety will help parents and carers safeguard loved ones from a range of harms, whether that’s child sexual exploitation, fraud, or extremist influences seeking to radicalise vulnerable people.' Click on the Leeds Prevent link above for more essential information.
It is so important that your children are using the internet safely, especially at this time. Here is another link to some online activities and advice on this. The 'safer schools' app also has lots of information to help you with this.
Do you have younger children at home? Here is an ebook that is a helpful way to explain and discuss corona virus. The Scared Gang Have to Stay at Home
Free Home Learning Resources CGP educational books have some offers and free worksheets for Y1 -Y6 available through their website. Click on the link for more information.
Ideas and things to do
Read, any way you can!
Help around the house
Get moving-inside or outside!
Online links
TTRock Stars - can you become a star while you are off school??
Please use our class blogging page on Purple mash to keep in touch. It's a great way we can all keep in contact with each other.
Here are some activities to complete based on the Y3/4 statutory spellings.
Mental Health
Looking after your mental health is incredibly important in these unpredicatable and stressful times. You may be worried about the health of vulnerable family members, you may be concerned about the impact of the Corona Virus on your income, you may be finding it difficult to explain to your children what is happening in a way that won't upset them.
It is vital that you take time to look after yourself and try to find some time each day to slow down and relax, even if it is only for a few minutes.
Here are some links that you might find helpful.
How I can look after myself Mood measure My happy place Things I like about myself Worry dolls
I hope these can help you at this time!