Click here to see our Long Term Plan for PE and to learn more about our approach to teaching and assessing PE at BSM.
PE is taught across school from EYFS to Y6. EYFS follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, which focuses on the physical development aspect of the Early Learning Goals. Y1-Y6 follow the Physical Education programmes of study for KS1 & 2. Swimming and water safety are taught in Y4. At Burley St Matthias, PE is expected to be taught weekly and each class gets either a 2-hour block lesson or a 1-hour lesson and other activities elsewhere such as using the daily mile track or swimming.
For planning, we use the PE Hub Scheme across school and this provides staff with planning, resources and progression sheets to ensure that all statutory requirements are met. This scheme also has a strong focus on wellbeing, which supports our key values.
We use a wide range of equipment and experiences to promote physical education in school, not just in PE lessons, but through other opportunities. These include sensory circuits, forest schools, after-school dance classes, sports day, wake up shake up, movement breaks, movement play and yoga. Staff have recently received training in movement play and yoga and the recent installation of the ping pong table in KS2 adds to our other facilities in school which include a muga, daily mile track, climbing wall and adventure playground.