Year 1
Welcome to the Y1 class page.
Scroll down for lots of activities to support your learning at home!
Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful summer and are ready for the new school year. Please use this page to keep you up-to-date with your Y1 learning.
Get Going in Year 1
The 'get-going' sheet we used during the COVID lock-downs is really useful for practising those important skills you need to master, while in Year 1.
Click on the link for ideas of things that are always good to work on.: here is your 'Get Going' sheet Also scroll down to the 'What to Practise Regularly' section, below.
What are we learning in Y1 this term?
This half term, our main topic is entitled 'Who Am I?' This directly links with our humanities and science curruculum for this half term.
In other subjects, this is what we are focusing on:
English: Writing labels, lists snd captions, with a focus on The Gingerbread Man story. For Handwriting, we are focusing on the correct formation of the 'Long Ladder Letters' (l, i, t, u, j, u) Y1 children are expected to be able to form letters with the correct sequence of movements, so please encourage this at home! correct formation
Phonics: This half term we are revising all the sounds they children were taught in YR and then moving on to sounds, which we teach in Y1 (which will be the different ways to spell the sound /ae/ by the end of this half term). In the first few weeks we will do lots of practise of reading and spelling word that have adjacent conconsants. The practise reading bokks that are sent hoem will reinforce this, so please support your child and read with them on at least three different days over each week.
Maths: Counting! This half term will focus on counting, comparing, adding and subtracting numbers within ten. This will give the children a firm foundation to build on in the coming terms!
Science: Our bodies and our five senses.
History: Can I make a family tree?
PSHE: Fun times! Playing co-operatively and safely.
Religious Education: Celebrations and being thankful.
Computing: Digial literacy - basic laptop skills
PE: Ball skills including attack and defense.
Art: Self portraits
What to practise regularly:
Remember to read your reading book. This sould be practised on at least three separate occasions over the period of one week. You could also practise your best handwriting by copying sentences from your book, or asking a grown-up to dictate the sentences to you!
Movement breaks: stay active throughout the day with BBC Supermovers!
Extra Handwriting: Revisiting the correct formation of all the lower-case letters, using the Y1 list of spellings (see below in 'ideas and things to do'). You could also learn how to spell the days of the week.
For reading and writing revision, you could use this reading activities sheet
Additional Information for Parents
Your Tapestry accounts are active... Please ensure you have your Tapestry details up-to-date as this is the main platform we use for commumicating homework.
Tapestry information and permissions letter.
Tapestry help videos:
How to add information and photos
It is adviseable to enable notifications so you are kept up-to-date with new homework.
How to add 'observations' information for parents.
Free Home Learning Resources CGP educational books have some offers and free worksheets for Y1 -Y6 available through their website. Click on the link for more information.
Keeping children safe on-line: it's crucial that we consider our online presence. During the lockdown, we have been fortunate to have an online community to stay connected with friends and family. It's easy to forget that we must consider our safety online in all areas. Please take a look at this article regarding the TikTok App, and stay safe!
Here is another fantastic link to the 'Safer Schools' app. KS1 internet safety. Also, for those that have it, the safer schools app has plenty of information and advice for parents.
Online Satefy: Leeds Prevent: Online Safety Information for Parents Click on the Leeds Prevent link for essential information.
Ideas and things to do
'25 non-screen activities' that you can do at home
Handwriting and letter formation: patterns , letter , number formation.
Spellings: Y1 spelling list activities
More Y1 spelling list activities
Maths: Autumn term home learning booklet Place Value: within 10
Enjoy reading a 'digital story'
Carrot Club Charlie the Firefighter Fee Fi Fo Fum! Jack and the Beanstalk The Cautious Caterpillar The Runaway Iceberg The Zoo Vet
Phonics screening information
Children in Y1 will take a 'phonics screening check' in June 2023. Here is a link to some information: 'Phonics Screening Check, A Guide For parents' .
Here are some resources for you to use to practise with your child at home:
Practise list 2 Practise list 3
June half term homework: Phonics screening activity booklet.
Below are plenty of phonics screening words to help you practise at home. Just click on any of the PPT tiles below:
Online links
Phonics: Phonics play. Alphablocks. For additional practise, Monster Phonics
Maths: Speedy number bonds! Practise number bonds to 10 with this online 'Hit the button' game. Topmarks maths games.
Here's a great link to 'Get your body moving!" BBC supermovers will keep you fit!